- V1 :
- A discolored thread on one’s head
- Art of flying using aircraft technology
- Fell back into old habits, especially concerning narcotics
- Flexing ones muscles because of stress
- Linked in a pair
- One who looks after animals’ appearance
- Silly behavior meant to amuse
- Small Amazonian fish with razor-sharp teeth
- Something covered in spots is this
- To ____ __ a storm means to make a lot of food at once
- To gather up
- _____ Verne (French author of Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea)
- _____ Welles (US director of Citizen Kane)
- A run for office
- Bloated, maybe
- Businesses that change money from one currency to another
- Capital of American Samoa
- Excludes from a social group
- Feline you keep as a pet
- Filled a picture with color
- Gas stove flame
- Jokes made at someone’s expense
- Jumps over a puddle on one foo
- Late, to Latinos
- Made an early sample of a product
- Nears the basket to shoot
- Putting something on the scale
- Responds to a lawsuit against oneself by suing the plaintiff
- Sets of two
- So it would seem!
- Something severely restricted is this
- Text written above the line
- To roll about, as a pig does in mud
- Wiped the woodwork
- Word used when multiplying
V2 :