- V1 :
- Furniture that needs a wipe is this
- Italian motorcycle manufacturer based in Bologna
- One employed to look after children in the long-term
- Policemen may make you stand on this to check if you’re intoxicated
- Quantities of medicine to take
- Sleeveless garments perhaps worn by vampires
- To move your body to the sound of music
- To recite ritually, like a spell
- To scour hard
- Like many mirrors and windows
- Like much of the music in La La Land
- Magnets are this to each other
- Passing quickly into and out of existence
- Rose up after siesta
- Soda of different flavors
- Soldiers carrying out raids
- Some common wedding vow words are … better __ ___ worse
- Spirited, resilient
- Surpassed at playing games of chance for money
- These protect your intellectual property
- To promise someone you will marry them
- Vehicle that’s great for curbside parking
- View into the distance that’s pleasant to look at
- Whistles a tune
V2 :