- V1 :
- [Amend] A pain
- [Amend] Having the characteristic of rising and falling
- [Anagram] One who creates scenarios or pictures in their mind
- [Anagram] Royalty
- [Anagram] Walking like a soldier
- Picture of level 126
- [Relational] An intense #6 in the head often accompanied by nausea
- [Relational] The love interest of many fairy-tale princesses with #2
- _____ Luck Tomorrow is a 2002 crime film about honor roll students going down a dark path
- ______Bell, Peter Pan’s fairy companion
- A hot-_______ person is quick to anger
- A situation where one must choose between two or more undesirable options
- Electronic playground filled with coin-operated video games
- Float aimlessly in the sea
- Home item used for storing clothes in an upright position inside a closet
- Lawrence of ______ was released in 1962 starring Peter O’Toole
- Managing international relations between countries
- Searching and touring an area
- Star-shaped symbol; used to point to annotations and footnotes
- This word means Goodbye in Spanish
- Video recorder attached to a car’s front windscreen
- What cosmetic was responsible for this mishap?
- What is this tool?
V2 :