- V1 :
- Classic sign on a prank victim’s back
- Frank _______ is the artist behind “Strangers In The Night”
- The thick stem of a tree
- To construct something by putting different parts together
- To fill something to the absolute limit
- To perplex or bewilder someone
- Undeliverable mail may be returned to this person
- Vaccine for protection against influenza viruses
- What animal is hiding here?
- A cord used for tying packages
- A keyboard instrument commonly used in churches
- A risky business enterprise
- Failed to hit the target
- Frank Sinatra’s signature song
- Indiana NBA squad
- Like sandpaper
- Separate quarters for a visitor
- Superfluous repetition
- The game played in The Queen’s Gambit
- The Real Housewives airer
- Touchdowns, in rugby
V2 :