- V1 :
- A female traffic warden
- Authoritatively ordering someone to do something
- Changed the original positioning of something
- Corporate women’s attire
- Dialect not spoken by anyone anymore
- Expressive Arabic movements referred to as Raqs Sharqi
- Extra bows after a stage performance
- Formal events prescribed by ritual, protocol or, convention
- Fruits whose spiciness is measured in Scovilles
- Informal for “Stop bothering me”
- Laboratory holders of solutions
- On a lower floor
- Seatbelts or handcuffs, for example
- To make a space safe for babies
- What cocktail is this?
- A group attempt to help a friend or relative understand they have a problem
- A spirited sort of card game
- Arguing over trivial matters
- Baggins in The Hobbit
- Coming to live permanently in a foreign country
- Emulates a hungry dog
- Evian, FIJI, and Acqua Panna are examples of this
- Formed a waiting line
- Going in front of
- King’s chair
- Long, green fruits eaten as vegetables
- Makes amends for
- Moved upwards
- New soldiers
- Put the parts of a whole together again
- Saw strange things that weren’t there
- Someone bright and quick of mind is this
- Someone full of gratitude is this
- Thankfulness and appreciation
- The Curious Case of ________ Button is a 2008 film starring Brad Pitt
- The name of McMaster University’s sports teams
- Tosses into the trash
- Urban dwellers
- Was unkind to someone
- Watching a movie before it’s becomes available to the public
- Wears black after someone has died, e.g.
- What hospitals provide
V2 :