- V1 :
- Bubble gum brand that is also the name of an anti-tank weapon
- Flourishing, as of a garden
- How Stella Got Her ______ Back (1998 Angela Bassett movie)
- Target of a slam dunk
- To scribble idly
- To shut a computer down and start it again
- Treasured family possession
- Vaccine supplement shot
- Vanishing “sound”
- What is this ice cream measure?
- A hit by The Beatles that refers to a street in Liverpool
- A manufacturer’s guarantee to service a product under certain terms
- A strange animal with a duck’s bill and a beaver’s tail
- Ailment indicative of a particular illness or disease
- Arcade games are often controlled using this
- Army rank above corporal
- Belt that transports luggage at airports
- Devising a strategy or set of actions before performing a task
- Expression: mistake, error, mishap
- Game where players try to hit pucks into goals on a low-friction table
- Having great strength or influence
- Led ________ recorded Stairway to Heaven, Black Dog, and Immigrant Song
- Moved around in a circular orbit
- Of moderate temperature; tepid
- Part of a garden or park where tulips and daisies grow
- Polka instrument, also called squeezebox
- Something that is restricted to only select people is this
- Tennis major in London
- This expression of disapproval is most beneficial in a constructive form
- To have been taken advantage of for benefit, particular resources or workers
- US comic book writer who co-created superheroes like Spider-Man, the Hulk, and Thor
- What century do these inventions belong to?
- What is this freezing skin condition?
- What videotape-related horror movie does this feature in?
- Without cords or cables
V2 :