- V1 :
- Discourages from acting
- Joined up
- May happen to your debit card if there aren’t enough funds on it
- Not bothered
- Running away with your lover
- Someone that is earnest to a fault is this
- To mess around with
- What kind of class is this?
- A sofa for a couple
- Breaking down food into energy
- By virtue of one’s status or position
- Like some caps and gowns
- Measures taken in advance to minimize risks
- Most prepackaged, ready-made foods are this
- People who drive cars
- Porridge, grits, and oatmeal are this
- Raising one’s shoulders in indifference
- Responses to crossword clues
- Substances that make one plump and add richness into the system
- The 1986 film starring Tom Cruise
- The catch in Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea
- To be ____ ____ in something is to be immersed in a task
- Where traffic is moving back and forth
V2 :