This is where I thought interesting to compile all the links that may help your navigation through the game . You Will find in this topic the answers of Acrosticsfor the following solved level : 1801.
Acrostics answers level 1801:
- Plush item for lounging
- Side sections of an airplane
- Rice and seafood delicacy
- The World of Suzie ___
- Brief and to the point
- Mad or mentally unstable
- Capital city of Wyoming, USA
- City discussed at the 1954 Geneva Conference
- Baseball-game division
- Resort city in the Bahamas.
- Stool softener
- Losers at Chxc3xa2lons, 451
- Flying insignia: Colloq.
- Food served at a bar
- Job safety agcy.
- The World of Suzie ___.
- Ormandy.
- Loser to Taylor in 1848
- City of the schnitzel.
- Merry Mount composer
- Brief
- Very foolish
- Omelet ingredients
- Challenging the rapids, maybe
- River to the Missouri
For the same game, I would also like to add additional and more info here: Acrostics answers Level 1802
I try to take care of every tiny detail to ensure that eveybody find its needs here, and love to be a part of it. I tried to cover as much as I could but if you still have a question in your mind feel free to give a comment before to go to sleep.