- V1 :
- Child job where they deliver publications to your doorstep
- Frame of mind
- Latin phrase indicating the time after Jesus Christ was born
- Monologues, especially in a theatrical play
- Priests who free others of evil spirits
- Riddled with openings, like Swiss cheese or a bad alibi
- Song with the same name as the album
- The outside of a loaf
- Those who join an organized demonstration of disapproval
- To exaggerate something on TV to gain popularity again
- To hint at the future, in a literary sense
- Urban skyline photo
- Was of more worth than another
- A television broadcast that was played before
- Cavity repairing paste, e.g.
- Cheap or insignificant, disapprovingly
- Comes to light
- Female equivalent of male bowing
- Sixths doubled
- Something firmly fixed is this
- To be a headliner in a movie alongside someone else
- To turn upside down
- Would you ____ is a conversational icebreaker
V2 :