This is where I thought interesting to compile all the links that may help your navigation through the game . You Will find in this topic the answers of Figgeritsfor the following solved level : 2442.
Figgerits answers level 2442:
- Extremely angry or furious
- Archaeologists marvel at the ancient __ found in ruins
- To forcefully scoop or cut out
- Having similar characteristics or structures
- Plays a brass instrument with a military significance
- Dissatisfied (synonym)
- What’s a small amount or portion?
- The bottom part of a fraction
- Extremely thin and bony
- __ boomed, driven by a thirsty public and the lure of forbidden spirit
- Capable of being shown or proven
- Insufficient (synonym)
- His actions were deemed morally reprehensible and legally __ by the court
- Who’s a person engaged in physical work?
- Riding waves on a long, narrow board
For the same game, I would also like to add additional and more info here: Figgerits answers Level 2443
I try to take care of every tiny detail to ensure that eveybody find its needs here, and love to be a part of it. I tried to cover as much as I could but if you still have a question in your mind feel free to give a comment before to go to sleep.