- V1 :
- Accepted defeat
- A hair that is dry and brittle has this
- Day of ________ is on December 26 in South Africa
- Felt sorry after doing something wrong
- ICE does this to illegal immigrants
- One can be ________ by the US president for committing a federal, but not civil or state, offense
- Street snack on a stick
- These are placed on the lap when eating in front of the TV
- To say LIKE THIS!
- Undeniable opportunity to score is this
- Aspiring actors spend their time doing mostly this
- Fruit that pairs well with prosciutto
- Genetic variations
- Idle chatter
- Larry David starred in a 2000 TV show Curb Your __________
- Looking very much like
- Not seeing eye to eye
- Periods of long ago
- Stirring up an undesirable situation
- To start needing to catch up
- Twisting badly
- Using pharmaceuticals to get better
V2 :