- V1 :
- Caused an action to begin
- Causing one to feel displeasure by using hurtful speech
- Develops a plan methodically
- Done in a manner of one who is well-read and knowledgeable
- Living facilities for children without parents
- North American rodent known as a marmot
- People who create on the spot without rehearsal
- Period before written records of events existed is this
- Something, e.g. a chemical substance, causing one to itch and scratch is this
- Talc-based substance commonly used to prevent diaper rash
- A box or chest for keeping valuables
- A sheet of paper used to cast a vote in secret
- A transgression among friends that conveys disloyalty
- An imperial unit equivalent to 14 pounds
- Freeing from tension
- Someone who gets pleasure from hurting others is this
- Something planned or deliberate is this
- State of being contaminated
- To get the job done as promised or expected
V2 :