- V1 :
- A wind instrument first used by ancient Greeks and played by shepherds
- Covers something in glitter
- Hand tool used to grip objects and cut wires
- In a manner that stems from inborn characteristics
- Made a friendly or pleased expression mainly using one’s mouth
- Minor illnesses
- One who thinks about the needs of others above their own is this
- Phrase used to introduce a topic that was not being discussed
- Something related to the basic unit of all organisms is this
- A rounded seed-bearing capsule of the plant that provides fibers for the most common natural fabric
- As Neil Armstrong famously said, That’s one small step for man, ___ _____ ____ for mankind
- German supermodel who judged America’s Got Talent
- Male sibling of one’s wife
- Online way to move money from one account to another
- People who go to a conference or other social gathering
- Position in the community based on one’s economic status
- Public place for women to powder their noses
- Republic reunited with its neighbor after the fall of the Berlin Wall
- Something done in a smooth and successful manner is done like this
- Something worthy of respect is treated this way
- The “_______ ____” describes the very latest period of something
- Way past the appropriate time
- What a homecoming parade generates
- Where the family gathers to share a meal
V2 :