- V1 :
- Containers used to transport goods
- Female deity
- Sherlock Holmes’ brother
- Short metal pins with a spiral line around that are used to join things together
- Something arranged in the neatest way is this
- Something unusual that one doesn’t see every day is this
- Stuffed oneself with food very quickly
- The art of performing tricks and illusions on stage
- The quality of requiring immediate attention
- Underground parts that convey nutrients from soil to plants
- ___ ________ can be measured in inches of mercury
- Agreement between countries to buy and sell goods at a zero tariff
- An excessive amount of a product
- Disputes loudly in front of people
- Elements that are likely to change
- Incorrect or false beliefs or assumptions are this
- State of being sure that something is the case
- Suffers violent movements of the muscles
- The resolution of a story, in literary terms
- Visited way longer than welcome
- Words meant to insult are this
- Works out
V2 :