- V1 :
- A competitive event for drivers of heavy motor vehicles
- Corridors; passageways
- Phrases or expressions that have figurative meaning
- Records a sale by means of a cash register
- Religious practitioner who interacts with spirits while in a trance
- The act of making corrections in a written document
- To fix something that has become unraveled
- To give the ability to another to do something
- Waited in preparation for action
- Actress who played Laurie Partridge
- Brew served from a cask or keg
- Cheered for joy
- Footwear worn in PE
- Most accurate story is this
- Organizations with people who make laws for a country
- People who pave driveways
- Takes care of a large household
- To have a table for one
- To thrust someone to the ground
- Touch screen pen
- Towering over
- Transcribed an essay
V2 :