- V1 :
- Became aware of, usually by seeing or hearing
- Laundry item used to get rid of wetness
- Like dirty water
- Something dark and difficult to see through is this
- Something still remaining is this
- Something unable to move or make progress is this
- To haul out of bed
- To stroke lovingly or intimately
- To tell or inform someone; to fill someone in on
- Action of growing in size
- Art also known as artisanship
- Audio enhancement used in a movie
- Fighting on a horse’s back
- Going round and round like a tornado
- Items that don’t cost a lot
- Lacks of success
- Part of the skeleton also known as the femur called a femur
- Places for blackbirds to get something strong to drink?
- Popular ointment that relieves eye redness
- Secondary subjects in conversation
- Swing by
- Tents used at markets and festivals
- Those who comfort a grieving person
- Those who refuse to admit the truth
- Those who ride snow vehicles operated by canines
- To work under, as a manager
- Travelers who move from one country to another
- Way to describe something that is probably the smallest and weakest of a litter
- Where a jet takes off and lands
V2 :